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Sunday, July 17, 2011


Hey I'm going to tell you about fishing.  Fishing takes patience and it mite be an hour before you catch your first fish.  If you are fishing on the bottom it take much more patience and concentration cuz you have to hold the rod and put your thumb on the line so when the fish nibbles the on hook you can fell it and jerk and hook the fish.  Than if you fishing with a bober you can do 2 thing use a jig and reel it in slow or you can use a mino and put the hook through the stomach so that the fish come up and the the hook.  And in Minnesota,Fairmont at Bud lake by the cabins on the right dock if you put you hook in the water from 5 foot to right next to the dock.  This year I fished on the bottom and I caught a 2 foot catfish and it took a half hour.  And there is also cat fish and I will tell you about that in my next blog.