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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What I'm doing on Christmas

Hey I going to tell you what I'm doing on Christmas. What do you want for Christmas?  On the last Sunday we put up our tree and we put on the lights and ornaments like 3 days after we put up the tree. For X-mas we are going to my Grandma's and Grandpa's house for X-mas. Last year thy spent over $100s us for X-mas!  At my other Grandma's and Grandpa's house  we play pass the pickle. The winner gets something. Well that is what I'm doing for X-mas bye!!:)

What I did this Winter

Hey I'm going to tell you what I did on the weekend in Winter. How doesn't like winter ? Me sometimes. Winter is cold and you can't do much. All you can do is stay inside or play in the snow. I like to stay inside. What do you like to do? Stay in were it is warm or play in the snow were it is cold. At my house my sister and brother dug a tune in the snow, but it fell in because they were standing in the tune and it well fell in. I laughed and laughed till I stopped laughing because my sister hit me in the back of my head well that is all I have to say.

Science (solar system)

Hi I'm going to tell you about the solar system. Have you been thinking how the planets stay going around the sun? They follow a imaginary line called an ellipse. Did you know? If the planet is far from the sun it it moves slower then when it is close because when it is close it moves fast. Do you know witch planet is the closest to the sun? If you said Mercury you are right. Mercury is all so a inner planet. Now do you know witch planet is sometimes called earths twin? The planet is Venus. Venus is sometimes called earths twin. And is also the brightest planet in our solar system. And Venus is a inner planet to. Well that is all I have to say about the solar system.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Hey I'm talking about Jupiter. Some facts about Jupiter you may not know.
  • When you weigh 100 lbs on earth you weigh 264 lbs on Jupiter.
  • Jupiter is large enough to fit 1,300 in side of it but it has to be the size of our plant.
  • It takes 12 years (earth years) for Jupiter to orbit the sun.                                                                     Jupiter is a big planet so you would think that it takes along time to orbit right? Well it rotates fast that a day on Jupiter is 10 hours! That is all I have to say about Jupiter. Bye

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

what I'm going to do on Christmas

Hey I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do on  Christmas.  What do you want for Christmas?  I want Call Of Duty  Black Ops. on Sunday night we put up the tree.  There are no Christmas lights or ornaments yet.  For x-mas e are going to my Grandma's and Grandpa's house. Last year my Grandma spent 100 dollars on us for x-mas!  At my other Grandma's and Grandpa's house we play pass the pickle and the winner gets a big big big candy cane.  And one last thing opening presents.  :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hay today we will talk about monkeys! Monkeys are very smart. There is a monkey that lives in a very cold place so it will sit in warm water to stay warm. I have no clue how the water is warm. I have seen a monkey at the zoo. I bet you have to. But the monkey was hanging upside down. It was very cool.