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Thursday, October 7, 2010

complex invertebrates

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 Hello I'm going to tell you about complex invertebrates. Can you think that snails and octopuses are alike? There both mollusk. Mollusk are big groups of animals. Mollusk soft bodied invertebrates. Mollusk have shells to protect there soft bodies. But octopuses don't have shells. Do you know why? Next we will talk about segmented worms. Segmented worms are complex invertebrates to. Segmented worm are complex because they have organ systems for digesting food,getting ride of waste, and moving blood. Earth worms,leeches,and clam worms are in this group. Well that is all for now.Bye.


  1. Tyler you need to tell why don't octopuses have a shell. You are putting them on a cliff hanger.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
