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Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Hello Tyler.B here. I'm going to tell you about walking sticks. Walking sticks are insects that look like a stick. I bet you know that all ready. Walking sticks have to part its chest is call a thorax and its stomach is called a abdomen. You know that a walking stick is hard to see right. That  is called camouflage. Camouflage helps hide from something or someone. Walking sticks thin,long bumpy body it hide from predators. Some look weird. One in  China and Far East looks like a flat leaves that grow there.One of the weirdest walking sticks I ever heard of can just stand and it looks like a blade of grass! That all I have to say about walking sticks.Bye.


  1. Tyler it looks pretty well good job Tyler. B.

  2. Hey cool blog and I did not know it looks like a blade of grass. It looks really good. Gotta go.
