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Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Did you know there are 4 main groups of reptiles.They are the snacks,lizards,turtles, and alligators are the 4 main groups of reptiles. Reptiles have scaly,dry skin so when you fell a snake it is dry. Alligators have ruff skin like a gravel rode. A lizards skin can be ruff or smooth. Alligators have ruff skin and turtles have a shell. some water turtles are huge they eat fish and birds. And land turtles eat worms plates and insects.


  1. Wow, I never knew that land turtles eat worm plates and insects and that water turtles are huge and that they eat fish and birds! Like a monster in a horror movie.

  2. Nice blog Tyler, I never knew that some sea turtles could eat birds. Are you sure that the fact about the turtles eating birds is true? But I really enjoyed it thank you Tyler for that information.

  3. Good job tyler i never knew that turtles can eat fish and birds.

  4. I'm not sure Nathan?
    I will have to look it up.

  5. I did^t know that there were 4 types of reptiles
